Thursday, April 17, 2008

+ Death By Dice +

First off, here's the 2000 point list I've been using and intend to use for the next several games. 100% painted, including the FW Death Guard dread that I picked up painted for $40. Little bit of touch up, a rebasing and "Korgoth the Loner" has joined my rampaging crew.

Chaos Lord - MoCU, demon weapon, bike, icon
Chaos Lord - MoT, deathscreamer, icon

3 Terminators - IoCU, 3 combi-plasmas, 2 powerfists, chainfist
Dreadnought - Plasma cannon, heavy flamer, extra armor
Dreadnought - Plasma cannon, extra armor

10 CSM - IoCU, lascannon, flamer, AC w/ powerfist, combi-flamer
10 CSM - IoCU, autocannon, plasma gun, AC w/ power weapon
6 Noise Marines - Blastmaster, sonic blaster
6 1k Sons - AS w/ doombolt
8 Lesser Demons

6 Havoks - IoCU, 3 missile launchers
1 Obliterator

1999 points

Threw down with the previous Sisters player last night, and a more depressing game would be hard to find, at least as far as my dice were concerned. I rolled an obscene amount of 1's and 2's, particularly whenever I rolled to hit (3+), wound (3+) or save (3+). If I had a chance to fail, I did. There were a few units who didn't gimp out, but the general feel of the game was one of 'WTF CHAOS COME ON!' ...

Undivided vs Witch Hunters [2000] - Game was VP + 500 points each for having more scoring units within 6" of two objectives mid-field. WH brought a variation of the previous list, this time with: jump cannoness, 2x 7 seraphim, big mob of stormboltery sisters, 2x smaller flamer/melta sisters, INQ w/ 2 heavy bolters, 2 exorcists, 14 repentia, 3 penitents, callidus. Yep, he manned up and took the freak show units :D

Rather than turn by turn, let's break it down by my units:

Biker Lord - Waited a turn, then slammed into the repentia for maximum carnage. Demogauntlet rolled a 1 and he took a wound. Next round, demogauntlet rolled a 1 and he took a wound. The repentia's mistress kindly power whipped him out of his misery. For those keeping track, the biker lord in 3 games has now rolled 1,1,2,6,3,1,2,1,1. 1's 55% of the time ...

Deathscreamer Lord - Hung with the noise marines at first, rolling a 1 for his first volley (and taking a wound of course) and then a 3 shots / 3 hits / 3 wounds the next shooting round. He countercharged some seraphim about mid-game, killing 1 and breaking them, then tore all 3 wounds off of the callidus next round. Following turn he moved up and shot down 1 of the 2 rallied seraphim, then charged and gutted the other one. He died the next turn to 7 bolter wounds, of which I failed to save the 2 needed to drop him.

Terminators - Homered in turn 3, and 6 plasma shots onto some sisters in 5+ cover turned into 2 overheats / 4 hits, which turned into 0 dead termies / 0 dead sisters. 2 termies died to return bolter fire, and the chainfister charged in to pummel some chicks. 2 attaks from the girls = 1 hit = 1 wound = 1 failed save. There was gratuitous celebrating from the WH general but I for one wasn't surprised.

AL Dread - Fire frenzied turn 2 and killed 2 havoks (with the heavy flamer!), then charged in to crunch the cannoness. 3 rounds of invincible 2+ saves later and she was pulp. Then the dread was mashed by all the repentia, cooking 1 after he went nuclear.

DG Dread - Fire frenzied turn 1 and killed 1 1k Son. Plasma did nothing to inv 3+ seraphim, missed a lone meltagun girl or couldn't be shot due to blood rage. In fact, he blood raged twice, so that's 3 of 6 turns that I technically couldn't control him, but that's cool with me. He crunched the meltagunner and stood on the left objective, blood raging out turn 6 to stomp and catch the remainder of the big sister squad, then consolidate back within 6" of the objective. A job well done from my new (adopted) baby.

Fisty CSM - Lascannon vapped one exorcist turn 2, then with seraphim breathing down their neck the squad mobilized and rapid-fired into the chicks ... and killed 1 out of 9 wounds before saves. After 3 flamer templates and a combo-charge from the seraphim and callidus, and with the help of the deathscreamer, 3 CSM emerged triumphant for some late game butchery. With the big sister squad in sight they killed maybe 1 from shooting and then in combat lost 2 CSM to returns from the sisters and then the fist was run down. For the loss of 1 sister after the fist hit with 1 of 4 attaks (on 3+).

Shooty CSM - Moved up into 5+ cover first turn and commenced shooting stuff for the next 4 turns. Autocannon + plasma gun accounted for 2 penitent engines sprinting for them, but then over the next turns of fire only 2-3 sisters were killed total. BUT the plasma gunner did kill himself, so that's something ... Only saving grace was the AC and 2 CSM mobilizing and charging 5 sisters, the CSM totally wiffing but the AC wounding with 4 of his 4 attaks. Girls broke and fled but were shot down in the last turn.

Noise Marines - The theme of bolters being loaded with rubber bullets continued, and with a lackluster showing from the blastmaster the noisy boys didn't accomplish much. Blasted away maybe 2-3 girls from various places and harassed the INQ team. Blastmaster survived but his buddies ate divine bolter death.

1k Sons - First turn, killed 1 sister with 5 inferno shots. Second turn, killed 0 seraphim with 8 inferno shots + 3 doombolts. Then died to flamers and S4 shots.

Demons - Came down turn 2 and I just managed a charge on a group of seraphim after the penitents were wrecked. Seraphim boosted initiative and killed 1 demonette, and then 15 demon attaks = 0 wounds. The seraphim hopped away and the demons were stripped down to 2 demons, who charged the tail end of the big sister squad ... and did nothing with 6 attaks. In fact, with 2 girly attaks the sisters killed 1 demon and popped the other with outnumbering. Sad.

Havoks - Forget what they did first turn, not much I'd guess. Turn 2 kraked the last penitent engine, then were charged by some seraphim. With the help of the defiler 2 missile launcher dudes lived to frag 1 wound on the INQ and frag out the repentia's mistress before succumbing to the storm of eviscerators.

Defiler - Of 3 battlecannon blasts, rolled 0 hits and managed 6,5,2 for scatter. Accounted for I think 3 girls total, then another 3 seraphim in combat (hurr!), and then 1 repentia before being sawed through and detonating 6".

Oblit - Happily hit 5 of 6 shots, repeatedly against the other exorcist. Immobilized / stunned it, then stripped the launcher, then couldn't penetrate or missed, then decided to shoot the INQ team. I'm cool with that, made back his points and kept the exorcist quiet.

In the end, I had The Loner standing near one objective, the oblit and the blastmaster hanging out in some ruins and 3 members of the shooty CSM over in some 5+ cover. WH had the repentia near the other objective and 1 hurting exorcist.


At some point I said all my bad rolling was too much like real life - you try hard to get things to work out but then it all goes to hell. Despite pulling a draw out of this game I think I'll be playing fantasy for the next month as I paint ogres ;P

Painting: 2 Leadbelchers
Building: Balrog Bloodthirster

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

+ Chaos Goes Big Bug Hunting +

My spiky boys teamed up with their old friends the 1k Sons for a 4000 point game against a massive Nid swarm. With 4 crazy dreads + 1 defiler on our side and 3 combat carnifex + 2 shooty carnifex on his, this was going to be one helluva throwdown.

Undivided & 1k Sons vs Tyranids [4000] I brought my painted 2k, which is basically the standard 1500 plus demo-biker, 3 termies, plasma dread #2 (a FW nurgle one I picked up painted for $40), only 8 demons and the defiler. 1k Sons were sorcerer w/ doombolt & warptime, 5 possessed (furious charge), 2 dreads w/ las, 3x 6 1k Sons w/ wind of chaos in rhinos, 2x 10 demons, 2x loner oblits. And the Nids amassed (lots of upgrades left out, and scuttle on all that could take it):

Flyrant w/ devourers & "3D6 for psyhic tests, drop the lowest" power
Broodlord & friends
2x 4 Warriors w/ devourers & rending
2 Lictors
4x 6 Genestealers
10 Rippers
32 Hormies w/ upgrades
32 Spinegaunts
3 Raveners w/ devourers
2 Gunfex
3 Assaultfex (!!!)
3 Zoanthropes w/ warp blast, synapse
12 Spore mines

Feeling so very outnumbered, the Sons player tossed the die and won us first turn.

Chaos 1 - Sons moved up and most got out, then various shooting tickled big bugs and accounted for maybe 3 genestealers, as he was making cover saves like it was going out of style. My plasma / flamer dread blood raged towards the spine gaunt swarm in front of him, and a 1k Son dread may have gotten pissed too.

Nids 1 - Most everything advanced, except the flyrant cowering at the back and the broodlord in a building right in front of my guns. Smattering of fire stunned the defiler (ha) and immobilized 1 Sons dread. Stealers and hormagaunt mass managed a first turn assault on my 1k Sons, splattering them totally. Stealers consolidated into my biker lord and the hormies spread out and waited to be shot.

Chaos 2 - My demons summoned in and prepared to assault the 32 hormies ... and the shooty CSM squad moved to give the biker lord a hand, as did the fisty CSM to help out the dread with the 32 spinegaunts. Sons moved around some, except for the mobile dread which fire frenzied into the immobile dread and stunned it. Heavy weapon fire wounded a few carnifex, my flamer dread cooked many gaunts and the CSM squad's double flamers accounted for a bunch more. Than I noticed he was pulling from the front to deny me the charge, so held off any more fire on that mob. Noise marines + deathscreamer gutted some stealers that had wandered out of cover, leaving 1. The Sons shot stuff over on their side too but their AP3 was largely going against 2+ armor so can't say how effective that was.

Combat saw the stealers against the biker & marines beaten and caught, for the loss of 2-3 CSM. The 8 demons managed 4 wounds on the hormies (from 24 attaks), and took 7 in return, the last girl popping due to outnumbering. The dread + CSM charged the spinegaunts and cleared their kill zones, pilling in for the long haul. Note that there is 1 genestealer & 1 assault fex nestled in the swarm and ready to counterassault our antiheroes :(

Nids 2 - Hormies moved up to assault my havoks, raveners closed in on my left flank (by the shooty CSM & biker) and broodlord left his bunker over there as well. Flyrant moved from behind her building to get in the game, 1 assault fex ran for the exposed 1k Son sorcerer, rippers readied to pounce on a 1k Son squad far right, 1 assault fex prepped to kill my angry dread, 1 assault fex stomped onto a wrecked shuttle to ... get shot next turn ;D

Spore mines rained all over, accounting for the gun on 1 rhino. Other shooting, I think the flyrant devoured half of a 1k Son squad, and the carnifex missed or didn't amount to much.

Assault time, the hormies dragged down 3 havoks BUT then were beaten by the CSM heavy gunners! They broke but rallied once they hit synapse range (so still just in front of my line). In the big gaunt bash the stealer charged in and might have killed 1 marine, many gaunts died and the carni killed my dread after he missed with his chainfist. The carni, no unengaged, consolidated into some ruins to bask in the 4+ cover. The other assault carni came this close to being force weaponed, but psychic test wasn't passed and the sorcerer was crushed. The rippers barreled into the 1k Sons and the sorcerer in the squad started force weaponing 1-2 swarms a turn.

Chaos 3 - Deep strike! My 3 termies homered in next to the flyrant, 10 demons summoned to assault some more stealers threatening my firebase and then 10 more demons summoned to handle the hormies directly in front of me. The biker lord pushed through some ruins to deal with the raveners and everybody else prepped to kill stuff. Termies opened up and despite 3 overheats knocked the flyrant down to 1 wound, which the nurgle dread took off. Focused lascannon fire from the Sons' dreads and our oblits knocked the assault fex standing on the ruin mid table down to 2 wounds, and my shooty CSM + defiler combined to kill the broodlord's crew down to him + 2 bugs and give the 10 demons nearby just 2 stealers to handle in assault. The deathscreamer, noise marines & havoks trashed the warriors on the left down to just 1 bug.

In combat the biker lord cleared out 2 raveners, taking 1 wound on the return and sticking. Demons easily killed the 2 stealers and massacred into the broodlord, but the other demons slapped against the hormies and lost a distressing number of "horrors" in return, but would stay around with fearless. Over with the spinegaunts the genestealer was punched out and many gaunts died, but were fearless as well, holding my 8 CSM in place again. The possessed furious charged the carni rampaging their lines (who had been wounded a few times by lascannons earlier) and flailed against it to no effect. Finally, more rippers and 1k Sons died.

Nids 3 - Almost everything was locked in combat or shuffled around, except the carni nestled in the ruins which ventured out to kill the 1k Sons near it and the carni on the wreck which stumbled towards the spinegaunt bashfest. 2 lictors appeared in my fire bunker, both declaring an assassination on my deathscreamer lord! A gunfex stunned my nurgle dread, and more spore mines rained down doing nothing of note.

Starting things off, the biker lord splattered the last ravener and masscred towards the Nid backfield. The 9 demons fighting the broodlord killed his buddies and took some loses in return. Demons fighting the hormies sucked it up and were knocked down to 2 demons vs 5 hormies. the 2 lictors allocated all against the deathscreamer, tearing him down to 1 wound left; one lictor died in return. 4 rending warriors charged into the fisty CSM fighting the gaunts, dropping a few CSM for the loss of more gaunts and a warrior. The lurking carni obliterated the 1k Son squad and massacred back into his ruin. The possessed slapped at the carni, but they must have been having some luck as it was killed somehow and they were free at 3 models. And more rippers died in the tarpit combat.

Chaos 4 - Biker lord gunned it for a zoanthrope lurking backfield near the left gunfex and nurgle dread hide to get his gun back online. Over in 1k Son Land the possessed moved to take care of a wounded zoanthrope near the other gunfex. Havoks kraked the last warrior on the left and may have nicked some wounds off a gunfex or bounced off the carni in the ruins. Sporadic las fire took the wreck carni down to his last wound.

Biker lord easily butchered the zoanthrope and massacred into the left gunfex, feeling pretty good about himself. The demons fighting the broodlord did nothing and the 'lord may have killed a demon, beginning a long line of sad combat phases. The other "horrors" were eaten by the hormies, freeing them to hunt my oblit next turn. The remaining lictor didn't fare as well, being wounded by the noise marines and sent running. The spinegaunts were wiped out and the warriors trashed as well, taking 3 fist wounds ftw (they must have lost a member prior to this to some kind of shooting), though the CSM had been reduced to just McFisterson and his 2 buddies in the process. The possessed knocked the zoanthrope down a wound and more rippers died.

Nids 4 - Once again not much to move for the bugs. The wreck carnifex stormed towards the fisty CSM remnants and the hormies ran for the oblit. The remaining unengaged gunfex didn't do much, maybe bothered the 1k Son dreads some. And the lictor rallied.

Combat began with the biker lord rolling a 1 but avoiding a wound, and the gunfex missing him. The broodlord maybe killed a horror but the horrors did nothing back of note. The hormies slammed into the oblit and got 1 through his armor, losing a bug in return and tying combat up. The assault fex hit the fisty CSM squad, killed all but the AC and lost his last wound in return to the powerfist. The possessed gutted the zoanthrope and massacred the 4" into the other gunfex by it. And more rippers died.

Chaos 5 - Nurgle dread blood raged and stomped over to help the oblit out. The fisty AC ran for it but couldn't reach the gunfex with the biker lord. Shooting bounced off the carni in the ruins and the noise marines exploded the wounded lictor.

The broodlord / demon fight was basically a wash, leaving 2 demons left. The biker / carni both whiffed against each other as well, but the oblit died to the hormies, who in turn were stomped and caught by the nurgle dread, who massacred towards middle table. The possessed began writhing against the gunfex and more rippers died.

Nids 5 - The lurking carni left his ruins and went to kill him some blue dreadnoughts ...

The broodlord finished off the horrors through outnumbering the last one, then stood looking down the barrels of my shooty CSM squad. The biker fluffed for the last time and was pulped by the gunfex at last, the other gunfex killed 1 possessed bothering it and the assault fex was killed by the dread that he had charged. Gooooo dread! Also, the last ripper base died at long last, leaving the sorcerer and 1-2 rubrics.

Chaos 6 - Time to mop things up. Nurgle dread blood raged a second time and charged for the gunfex, and looked like he could make it after a strong fleet roll got him onto the wreck the bug had massacred onto. McFisterson also took off running to close with the gunfex. Chaos fire saw the broodlord riddled with bolters and plasma, and then all my AP3 bounce off of the gunfex.

McFisterson slammed into the gunfex, went simul with his fist but couldn't wound the T7, getting pasted in return. The dread rolled 2" instead of the 5" he needed, so stood oozing goo and looking menacingly at the gunfex ahead of him. Some 1k Sons shuffled into combat with the gunfex, failing to force weapon it and losing another possessed in the process.

Nids 6 - Being a good sport, the gunfex moved forward and didn't feel the need to shoot the nurgle dread. Which may have been a mistake, as the dread carved off the big bug's last 2 wounds! The 1k Sons were less successful, everybody fluffing over in their combat with the other gunfex.

Nearly a tabling but definitely a ...

Chaos Win

"Bugs of the Match" goes to the 32 hormies for me, having killed 18 lesser demons, 3 havoks & 1 oblit by themselves, in addition to helping take out the 6 1k Sons first turn. Damn impressive, little gaunts.

Otherwise pleasantly surprised to have 2 dreads + the defiler survive the game in tact, 1 dread immobilized and 1 dread dead. And only 1-2 fire frenzies! Well behaved, crazy dreads.

Tomorrow, I fight the Sisters again, this time with no raider along for the ride.

Painting: 2 Ogre Leadbelchers
Building: N/A

Monday, April 07, 2008

+ The Girls Are Famous! +

Four of my demonettes appear in the newest issue of Firebase magazine! About to be molested by Snikrot and his posse, no less! I am truly a proud papa.

Painting: Defiler
Building: N/A

Friday, April 04, 2008

+ 2000 Points of Sisters Facebeat +

Yesterday had my first game against Witch Hunters and also my first game at 2000 points. My army was the 2k list posted earlier, and the table was made up of several large sand dunes (5+ cover), a marshy patch (5+ difficult terrain) and a ruin in the very center that was the objective at Turn 6.

Undivided vs Witch Hunters [2000] - His Sisters were cannoness (S5, inferno pistol, jump pack), elite INQ w/ shooty retinue (2 heavy bolter, 1 plasma cannon), 6 dominions (3 melta, 1 flamer) in immolator (heavy flamers), callidus assassin (!), 13 sisters (3 storm bolters), 2x 10 sisters (melta, flamer), 2x 6 seraphim (2x flamers, 1 w/ power sword, 1 w/ eviscerator), 8-10 retributers (3 multi-melta, 1 heavy bolter), 2x exorcists.

WH 0 - Callidus pulls the shooty CSM squad + deathscreamer lord up out of the dunes they were in and towards the center of the table, putting them closer to the objective ... and many guns.

WH 1 - 10 strong sisters squads push forward, dominions cruise forward in their tank and hop out in easy range of the shooty CSM squad, and seraphim squads both move up behind the immolator and central objective, with the cannoness hanging out between them. Shooting - divine and otherwise - kills the shooty CSM squad down to lord + 4 dudes (AC, plasma, 2 bolters) and the fisty CSM squad down to 6 dudes. Dominions totally flopping helped me out.

Chaos 1 - Dread fire frenzies, and the 1k Sons right in front of him try to shuffle away but only get 4" from him. Oblit gets LoS to left exorcist, biker lord boosts over from the right flank to the middle (hugging cover for a counter charge later), deathscreamer lord joins the 1k Sons and remnants of the shooty CSM move up to assault the seraphim near the objective. 1k Sons + lord target 10 sisters getting ready to push through the marsh, but the robots fail and the doombolt is shut down by the sisters' psychic save thing. The deathscreamer says 6! though and 4 sisters die. The blastmaster crunches the dominions down to 2 (meltas), breaking them back several inches - note that they failed their '3+ inv save' act. Raider scoots over 6" but misses the exorcist with 1 twin las. Then Oblit zaps the launcher off one exorcist and the fisty CSM lascannon kills the other one, and havoks triple krak the smoked immolator but only manage to shake it. And the dread killed 4 1k Sons ...

In assault the CSM smacked against the seraphim but the power weapon AC killed all 4 chicks in the kill zone, including the eviscerator. The seraphim broke 10" away and the CSM consolidated into the 4+ ruins objective.

WH 2 - He popped the 'fearless' act to rally the dominions and seraphim, and the callidus showed up over in my fire support right flank, right next to noise marines. Immolator tank shocked the 1k Sons + lord, who shrugged and stepped next to it, and the wounded exorcist tanked forward towards the oblit / fisty CSM. Full seraphim squad + cannoness hoped up to blast the 1k Sons + lord, deathscreamed sister squad stumbled into the marsh 2" and other 10 sister squad moves up some. Divine guidance on the big sister squad splattered the CSM remnants in the ruins, INQ plasma cannon finishes off the 1k Sons, and callidus' shredder does jack to the noise marines.

Seraphim and cannoness smack into the lord, and despite popping +2 Init and 2+ inv save the cannoness does nothing and the lord ignores her and kills 2 seraphim. The seraphim hit & run over by the dread, leaving the cannoness on her own. The callidus kills 3 noise marines and gets punched in the face for her trouble (yea Init 5), taking 1 wound.

Chaos 2 - No deep strike, and dread blood rages ... towards the seraphim 3" in front of him. Oblit shuffles around, raider parks up on the dunes to get some guns on the retributors, and it's on to shooting. Oblit + fisty CSM knock the sisters in the marsh down to 2 (melta, flamer), havoks frag and bolter the big sister squad for 0-1 dead girls and raider removes a couple retributors.

Dread charges the seraphim, who get 1 krak through but to no avail, and kills 1. They hold and then hit & run over towards the havoks. The deathscreamer can't get through the cannoness' 2+ inv save and takes a wound in return. Noise marines club the callidus down for no loses.

WH 3 - Seraphim move to flame the havoks, dominion remnant moves up, seraphim remnant moves up, exorcist rumbles towards the oblit, marsh sisters zip 6" towards the dread, retributors move from the flank towards the center, immolator scoots 6" to cook the fisty CSM. Which it does, for 1 marine, and the INQ team plasmas them down to 3 (AC, flamer, las). Various combined fire on the havoks strips out the bolter marines. The marsh meltagun hits the dread ... and does nothing.

Seraphim kill 1 havok in assault and tie them up in combat, losing 1 girl in return. Cannoness continues to deny the lord and puts another wound on him.

Chaos 3 - Lesser demonettes summon down almost dead center off the deathscreamer's icon and the termies strike 6" from the retributors, scattering 10-11" towards the right table edge but still within rapid fire range. Dread keeps his cool and advances to stomp the 2 sisters in the marsh, oblit stomps within 12" of the exorcist and fisty CSM squad move off the dune to crump the immolator in combat. And the biker lord guns his bike 12" to charge the 10 strong sister squad at last ... Termi plasma rips into the retributors (4 wounds) and raider finishes the last girl off, and the blastmaster explodes 1-2 girls from the big squad - and they're PINNED. Dread plasmas off 1 girl but holds his heavy flamer so he can have some assault fun. Oblit fires a multi-melta for the first time ever, detonating the exorcist on a 6.

Fisty CSM follow that up by detonating the immolator on a 6 (taking no wounds from the explosion), but exposing themselves to an easy INQ plasma cannon template next turn. Dread rolls the 2" he needs and creams the melta sister. With the Sisters out of faith, the deathscreamer lord tears all 3 wounds off the cannoness at once and massacres 4" towards the biker's combat. And he'll need the help, as he rolls a 1 for the demogauntlet and hits himself in the nuts for 1 wound ... Girls do nothing in return and pack in. Havoks lose another CSM to the seraphim, who hit and run near the noise marines. Over in the center, the summoned demons make assault with the 2 dominions, killing 1 (with 12 wounds caused), breaking the last chick, catching her and consolidating into the seraphim.

WH 4 - Seraphim hop to flame the noise marines, and everybody else is pinned, engaged or ready to shoot. And the INQ does that, using the plasma template on the bunched up fisty CSM and finishing them. Seraphim do nothing to the noise marines.

In assault the seraphim carve the noise marines down to the blastmaster, losing only 1 girl in return. The sisters fighting the biker use the faith from the cannoness' death to call on divine guidance, but the only 6 is saved by the biker's aura. BUT ONCE AGAIN the demogauntlet rolls a 1, the wound thankfully saved by the 5+ aura. Back in the center, the seraphim kill 1 demon but are torn apart, giving the demons the 4" massacre to contact the big pinned sister squad in the center ...

Chaos 4 - Dread controls himself, termies start the long stomp back to the action and deathscreamer prepares to help the biker out. Templates from the oblit, dread and havok account for 2 pointless wounds to the INQ team.

The deathscreamer lord charges in ... and rolls a 1, but takes no wound. Biker lord is feeling better and smacks some girls dead, but they hold. Demons kill their kill zone of 3, the sisters hold and the 9 demons swarm in. Seraphim kill the blastmaster.

WH 5 - Seraphim hop over to the last havok and bolter him down. INQ team immobilizes the dread with a lucky plasma shot. Deathscreamer and biker lords rip into the sisters, who break and are caught. The demons chew up their sisters and catch them when they break.

With just the inquisiton team and 2 seraphim left, the Witch Hunter player concedes as 9 demons dance about the objective.

Chaos Win

So lesser demons won me the game hands down, securing the middle despite all my attempts to get my stuff away from it. Second place would have to go to the blastmaster for pinning that squad in place for that critical turn, and possibly third to the CSM lascannon guy for making that shot and taking the exorcist out first turn. Last place goes to the land raider, though the demo-biker is close with those 2 angry weapon rolls in a row!

And with that, I've decided to return to painting the defiler and let the raider languish a bit. She did sooo little for her 240 points, and while the defiler will die every game he'll toss out at least 1 big template most times and give out only 150 points when he bites it!

Painting: Defiler
Building: Dread?

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

+ Termi Drop Team Is Go +

Not as fresh as the biker, this termi plasma trio was painted in the last weeks, sealed with a LOT of gloss varnish and then dullcoted back to sanity. Still shiny, but I can handle it, they're just that special.

3 Terminators - IoCU, 3 combi-plasmas, 2 powerfists, 1 chainfist

Occasionally the chainfister is an AC if I have the points. They just have plasma pistols because a) it looks cool, and b) I figure their lifespan is so short that they will nearly always strike down, plasma something, then either die to return fire or be assaulted and fist something.

And I agree, the tusks are really unsatisfying. I tried inking them, and tried drybrushing them, but the detail on the model and my skills weren't up to it, so plain whitewashed tusks it was. A pity, but ah well.

Painting: Land Raider
Building: Dread 2

+ Biker Lord Rides At Last +

Pics are pretty poorly lit, but the man is done and awaiting dullcote ...

Painting: Land Raider?
Building: Dread #2?